Unlock Your Leadership Coaching Potential: Craft Bespoke Journeys for Executives

Our Proven Curriculum & Method

ICF Certified Coah Training Badges


In today's volatile business landscape, leadership is a necessity, but transformation is the key to unlocking extraordinary results. Executives demand visionary coaches who can guide them on a profound journey, unleashing their full potential and igniting positive change within their organizations. Are you ready to become that coach?

The Challenge

Traditional coaching approaches often fail executives facing complex challenges. Generic models lack the depth and customization necessary to unlock individual leadership potential.

Our Solution

The Executive Leadership Coaching Mastermind transcends the limitations of ordinary coaching programs. Here, you'll join a select group of ambitious coaches on a transformative journey to:

ICF Leadership Coach, Coaching Model

Master the Art of Bespoke Coaching

Forge a coaching practice built on deep client understanding and the creation of personalized leadership development journeys. Forget one-size-fits-all – you'll learn to craft coaching experiences that are as unique as the executives you serve.

Become a Transformation Architect

Equip yourself with our signature Executive Leadership Development Framework, a proven methodology designed to guide executives through visionary goal setting, transformative breakthroughs, and the strategic implementation needed to achieve lasting results.

Executive Leadership Development Coaching Framework
6 Levels of Existence Leadership coaching Model

Unleash Hidden Potential:

Delve deeper than ever before with the 6 Levels of Existence Model. This powerful framework empowers you to understand the complex interplay of factors shaping your client's leadership landscape, addressing the root causes of challenges and facilitating lasting transformation at every level.

Leader 360˚ Feedforward (Custom)

Revolutionize your coaching with our Custom Leader 360° Feedback. This isn't a generic tool. We meticulously curate a customized 360° profile experience, strategically selecting key stakeholders to gather invaluable and often surprising feedback. This rich data becomes the cornerstone for crafting actionable insights and powerful feedback readings that propel your clients towards achieving their most ambitious goals.

Leader 360˚ Feedforward for leadership coaches
branding and marketing strategies needed to attract high-caliber clientele for your leadership coaching practice

Command Premium Fees:

Our program goes beyond theory. We'll equip you with the branding and marketing strategies needed to attract high-caliber clientele who demand premium coaching interventions.

ICF Aligned Curriculum

This transformative curriculum aligns seamlessly with the ICF Core Coaching Competencies, ensuring you develop the essential skills to craft bespoke coaching experiences, guide executives through profound transformations, and achieve lasting results. Upon successful completion, you'll earn a valuable ICF credential, solidifying your expertise and opening doors to a thriving coaching practice.

Interactive Peer Coaching for Leadership Coaches in Training.
Supportive Community of ICF Leadership Coaches.

The Mastermind Advantage:

This program isn't just about acquiring knowledge. It's about accelerated learning and growth through collaboration. You'll:

  • Engage in peer-to-peer coaching sessions, receiving valuable feedback and honing your skills in a supportive environment.

  • Learn from industry experts through exclusive lectures and masterclasses.

  • Gain access to a thriving online community of like-minded coaches for ongoing support, knowledge sharing, and collaboration.


Weekly Mentoring on The $100K Executive Client Acquisition Formula

(NDA Protected):

  • This proprietary system, utilized by a select group of elite coaches, empowers you to attract C-Suite leaders and build a thriving coaching practice. Gain clarity, personalized insights, and expert guidance from master coaches with proven systems.

Attract High-Value Clients: The $100K Executive Client Formula (ICF Leadership Coaching).
Become a Transformative ICF Certified Leadership Coach: Join Our Community.

Join Our Thriving Community of Changemakers

Become part of a vibrant network of passionate leadership coaches dedicated to supporting leaders' journeys. Connect, share experiences, celebrate successes, and grow together in a supportive environment.

Ready to Ignite Your Passion?

Explore our programs, connect with an AFC Coach to discuss your coaching aspirations. Take your first step towards a transformative journey.

Detailed Curriculum

Module 1: Foundations of Bespoke Leadership Coaching

  • Core Coaching Skills Mastery: Refine your listening skills, master powerful questioning techniques, and build unwavering rapport to become a virtuoso coach.

  • The Art of Client Discovery: Delve deep into uncovering your client's deepest aspirations, hidden challenges, and unique leadership landscape.

  • Building a Bespoke Coaching Framework: Learn to tailor coaching interventions to each client's specific needs and goals, moving beyond generic models.

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Module 2: The Executive Leadership Development Framework

  • Visionary Goal Setting: Guide your clients through powerful exercises to craft compelling and aspirational leadership goals.

  • Transformative Breakthroughs: Equip yourself with the tools and techniques to facilitate profound self-discovery and unlock your client's full potential.

  • Strategic Implementation: Ensure lasting impact by translating breakthroughs into actionable strategies and implementation plans.

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Module 3: The 6 Levels of Existence Model

  • Unveiling Hidden Depths: Go beyond surface-level coaching. This revolutionary model empowers you to understand the complex interplay of factors shaping your client's leadership landscape.

  • Addressing Root Causes: Identify the underlying issues hindering your client's success and facilitate transformation at every level.

  • Building Sustainable Leadership: Equip your clients with the tools and mindset needed to sustain positive change and achieve enduring results.

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Module 4: Mastering the Custom Leader 360° Feedforward

  • Revolutionize Feedback: Ditch generic 360° tools. Craft personalized 360° profiles by strategically selecting key stakeholders for invaluable and often surprising feedback.

  • Actionable Insights: Transform raw data into actionable insights that empower your clients to leverage their strengths and address blind spots.

  • Powerful Feedback Delivery: Master the art of delivering impactful feedback readings that ignite motivation and propel your clients towards achieving their goals.

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Module 5: Building a Premium Coaching Practice

  • Commanding Premium Fees: Go beyond theory. We'll equip you with the branding and marketing strategies needed to attract high-caliber clientele who demand premium coaching interventions.

  • The Art of Client Acquisition: Learn proven strategies for attracting and converting ideal executive clients who are eager to invest in transformative coaching.

  • Building a Thriving Coaching Business: Develop the business acumen and marketing expertise to build a successful and sustainable coaching practice.

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The Mastermind Advantage:

This program isn't just about acquiring knowledge – it's about accelerated learning and growth through collaboration. You'll:

  • Engage in peer-to-peer coaching sessions, receiving valuable feedback and honing your skills in a supportive environment.

  • Learn from industry experts through exclusive lectures and masterclasses.

  • Gain access to a thriving online community of like-minded coaches for ongoing support, knowledge sharing, and collaboration.

Ready to take the next step?

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