Ignite Your Passion

Become a Transformative

Life & Leadership Coach

Our Mission...

To Support Fellow Beings In Life Transformation

Helping people become the best version of themselves through coaching

Empower Coaches To Achieve Their Mission

Our mission is to support heart-centred and caring people to become transformation coaches, who can facilitate others in their journey of life transformation.


Support others in their journey of life transformation.


Build a thriving and abundant coaching practice.


Create a lifestyle friendly coaching practice you love

Unleash Your Coaching Potential

Imagine a leader, burdened by burnout and feeling uninspired, finally rediscover their spark. They navigate challenges with confidence, reconnect with their core values, and inspire their team to new heights. This is the transformative power you'll wield as a coach at AFC.

Beyond Training: Your Coaching Journey to Empowerment

Forget about being a leadership guru. We're about igniting your passion to become a coach who leaves a lasting impact. You'll empower leaders to unlock their full potential – in every aspect of life. Founded by Master Coach, Brajamohan Das a Coaching Pioneer with Decades of Experience, AFC leverages innovative methods to equip you with the skills and confidence to thrive.

Here's why AFC is your launchpad:

  • Uncover the Inner Compass: Our program goes beyond the general coaching techniques. We explore the whole person – their values, strengths, aspirations, and struggles – to help them find their inner compass and lead their lives with authenticity and experience deep fulfilment.

  • Learn from a Masterful Guide: Master Braja's unique blend: transpersonal coaching, NLP, and ancient wisdom, specifically designed to help people overcome challenges, reconnect with purpose, and cultivate lasting well-being. This sets AFC graduates apart as true life transformation experts.

  • Personalized Mentorship & Unwavering Support: Benefit from smaller class sizes and dedicated guidance from Braja and his-trained coaches, all experts in fostering life development across all dimensions.

Build a Fulfilling Coaching Legacy: Impact, Purpose, and Transformation

  • Command Respect & Credibility: Gain the specialized skills and ICF accreditation to become a highly sought-after coach. Leaders will seek your guidance on their transformative journeys, knowing you have the power to unlock their full potential.

  • Empower Leaders to Thrive, Inside & Out: Equip leaders with the tools to navigate complex situations with resilience, while nurturing their physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Witness the ripple effect of your coaching on their personal and professional lives.

  • Live Your Coaching Purpose & Make a Lasting Difference: Build a sustainable coaching business aligned with your values. Help leaders find fulfillment, and create a legacy of empowered leaders and thriving organizations. You'll become one of the most important people in your clients' lives, playing a pivotal role in their transformation.

  • Unlock Financial Freedom & Live Your Coaching Purpose: Learn how to build a sustainable coaching business and achieve financial freedom while living your passion.

Our Philosophy

"How many clients do you have?" One. The one I'm with.

At Academy For Coaches, our philosophy is very simple, we believe leadership starts from the inside out. We're not about one-size-fits-all approaches. Our coaching is a deeply personal journey tailored to you, the unique individual you are.

We focus on unlocking your potential at the core, because who you are is more powerful than what you do or have. Through personalized coaching, we guide you towards becoming the best, most authentic version of yourself – a leader who inspires not just others, but your own extraordinary life.

The impact of our coaching ripples far beyond leadership. It transforms entire lives, leading to unimaginable possibilities.

Join Our Thriving Community of Changemakers

Become part of a vibrant network of passionate leadership coaches dedicated to supporting leaders' journeys. Connect, share experiences, celebrate successes, and grow together in a supportive environment.

Ready to Ignite Your Passion?

Explore our programs, connect with an AFC Coach to discuss your coaching aspirations. Take your first step towards a transformative journey.

Join us for our free introduction webinar - Click here